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What does a Centralised Cashless Society Guarantee You?

A Centralised Cashless Society is when our Country’s payment system is controlled by a private organisation with shareholders like Banks, Facebook, Alipay etc or by a Centralised Government. 

At Barteos, we believe that the time has come to assist the world to recover from centralisation and corporate greed that has dominated our society for far too long.

Misplaced capital from fear of missing out, uncertainty and doubt, with fancy corporate images and hype, has been a common place in digital currency projects, especially in this new era where many private companies are posing as decentralised systems when in fact they are owned by a few shareholders and are profit-driven.

Barteos Australia operates as a registered non-profit organisation offers a third option to the community and is the real fair dinkum deal.

Your choice is to either support a power-profit-driven organisation or a purpose-driven organisation like Barteos Australia, incorporated for our common good and our real common-wealth and with money-saving autonomous technology that is second-to-none in the world.

Supporting private companies that are Barteos-style imposters was not a choice for the foundation members that truly believe in Decentralisation, and as a result, Barteos is here, and will set the standard for every other country in the world to follow.

In a Centralised System, you can expect:

  • these entities to have full control of every cent you own;
  • every transaction you make will be recorded, even a few dollars sent to a child;
  • all your movements & actions will be traceable;
  • access to your money will be blocked with a click;
  • if your transactions are deemed in any way questionable, by those who create the questions, your money will be frozen, ‘for your own good’
  • your precious financial Data will be exploited for Money or Power over you … or Both

Now we have a third option … an Ownerless, Decentralised system that can scale globally and gives us an alternative to current centralised payments systems: This is Barteos!

Barteos is considered a “commons software” and is free to be used by all Australians. Barteos is governed in Australia by BE PAY AUSTRALIA LIMITED, being an ownerless organisation with no shareholders and incorporated for the benefit of the people of Australia.

BE-PAY is a community-benefit social enterprise that believes in the use of the best in technology to empower you, the individual, with their freedom of choice and financial security. Check out the Barteos Creed and what Barteos stands for.

What are your thoughts?

If Australia became cashless, should the financial system be operated by:

  1. a community-benefit organisation with no shareholders; or
  2. the government; or
  3. a large corporate business with shareholders?

We'd love to hear from you

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